Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Day One: a new habit

I'm off and running on this year's silly attempt to write a novel in a month. I'm not a novelist: fiction isn't my preferred genre. But once a year for the past several years, I throw that notion of "novelist" and "fiction" out the window to crank out 50,000 words of something during the month of November. I often refer to it as being a cerebral enema: it ain't pretty, but occasionally it's good to get it out of you, no matter what (or how shitty) "it" is.

And so this morning I began a new "at least for November" habit. After breakfast, instead of reaching for my Moleskine to scribble my requisite couple of daily pages, I reached for my laptop and typed. Being a sucker for consistency, I set a kitchen timer: 40 minutes. And although I was aiming for 2,000 words--a daily dose that would bring me to 50,000 in less than a month--I typed 1,729 words instead, already surpassing by 8:30am the 1,667 daily words that add up to 50,000 if you do them for 30 days.

Doing NaNoWriMo, you see, isn't about writing: it's about math. "Writers write," the oft-repeated slogan says, but I beg to differ. During the month of November at least, writers COUNT.
Word count: 1,729
Where & when: at my kitchen table, after breakfast
Last line: She realized that reality, like thought and the networked nerves that carry it, is a netting web of infinitesimal fineness, and like a seamstress going blind over painstakingly intricate embroidery, she just might go crazy trying to trace the progress of one thought isolated in innocent simplicity from the tangle within which it hid.


At 11/01/2006 11:24 AM, Blogger Diana said...

Good to see this blog alive on my bloglines account again! Look forward to cheering you through this month.

At 11/01/2006 5:18 PM, Blogger Lorianne said...

Yes, this blog has been quiet for far too long! One of the reasons I decided to do NaNo this year, in fact, was to kick myself into gear on the revision project I'd abandoned last spring. I figure writing 50,000 words of raw nonsense would motivate me to re-visit stuff that actually has some promise. :-)

At 11/02/2006 9:39 AM, Blogger Lee Ambrose said...

You've inspired me!
I have poo-poo'd the idea of doing NaNoWriMo in years past but with your post yesterday, you gave me the kick in the rear that I needed! So, now I'm on board too! (calleeroam on the site) Have not yet posted what I wrote yesterday but intend to post it and the fruits of today's labor before day's end!
thanks! Lee

At 11/11/2006 7:33 AM, Blogger leslee said...

Nice line! Must be tempting to spend meditation time writing the NaNo in your head.

At 11/11/2006 8:07 AM, Blogger Lorianne said...

Actually, my head always sounds like this, whether I'm writing NaNo or not. Maybe I need some serious Happy Pills... :-)


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