Day 29 : The hard way
Here's one lesson I learned this weekend the hard way: if you're going to travel by air during NaNoWriMo, be sure to bring your laptop in case you get stranded in Cleveland.
Although I'd planned to arrive home from Thanksgiving (and back to my own laptop) yesterday morning, instead I've spent the past day and a half in Cleveland, where my flight yesterday morning was cancelled due to heavy fog here in New Hampshire.
Never to be daunted by mere circumstances of time and space, I wrote on regardless, scribbling about 6,000 words (judging from the number of pages and the size of my handwriting) in a pocket notebook. So tomorrow's task is to type those scribbled lines and see how close to "The End" I've come...with the official NaNoWriMo deadline looming at midnight.
Anyone in the mood for a come-from-behind, down-to-the-wire finish? And anyone have any Lessons Learned the Hard Way to share with the rest of us?
Word count: 43,150 + approximately (?) 6,000
Last line: Alexa thought this nearly as sad as the state of modern colleges, which no longer were spaces apart from the world but instead hedonistic places to be fully, loudly, and materialistically submerged in it. (yes, I was feeling a bit curmudgeonly when I scribbled that line...)
Thinking of you typing away. Hope you have enough time today to get it done without too much stress.
It's just not a real deadline unless you have to do something at the last minute. It's usually a technological glitch for me. "Out of toner" at 3 am.
Do you think your writing style was different with a pen and ink than with a keyboard? I know it makes a difference for me.
I actually prefer writing "by hand"...but for NaNo, there just isn't time to write everything "twice."
What was most annoying, I think, is I had to stop myself from editing the stuff I'd scribbled. It's bad enough to write a wretched first draft; it's torture to have to revisit it as you type it.
Diana, I'm assuming (?) that folks who handwrite NaNo novels have to type them for verification. Maybe if you had a secretary who would type for you, it would be better. :-)
Rebecca, I think my handwritten stuff is wilder & less organized than my typed writing. Writing by hand seems/feels more immediate, so it's easier for me to catch my first thoughts (even if they aren't grammatically sensical). When I type, I think there's always a subconscious notion of "correctness."
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